In 1997, according to the Decision no. 27 of the Hunedoara County Council, was established The General Directorate of Child Protection from Hunedoara County (D.J.P.D.C-Hunedoara), as a specialized public service for child protection at county level, subordinated to the Hunedoara County Council.
         In 1998, according to the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 26 / 1997 protection of children in risk, were taken 8 children homes and reception center for urgent needs, institution subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health, with a number of 941 children and 459 employees (teachers, health professionals and support staff). 
         In July 2000 D.J.P.D.C has expanded the competences of Child Protection with special needs, by transferring a part of its special schools and home-hospitals subordinated to the Ministry of Education and State Secretariat for Persons with Disabilities. Therefore there were taken 5 care institutions of disabled children with a total of 965 children according to the Government Decision no 261 / 2000 for the reorganization of the institutions and other sections of child special social protection in the Specialized Public Service subordinated to the County Council and Local Council of the districts in Bucharest.
         The last major transformation took place with the new legislative package, which includes the Law 272 / 2004 of Protection and Promotion of Child’s rights. The entry of the law was also the birth of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection, as a public institution for the county’s interest, with legal personality, subordinated to the Hunedoara County Council. This was created by putting together:
  • The General Directorate of Child Protection Hunedoara and
  • The County Directorate of Social Assistance
     With these consolidations, starting with January 1st, 2005, D.G.A.S.P.C took 6 centers for Adult Persons with Disabilities which were subordinated to the Local Councils with a number of 414 beneficiaries (adult persons with disabilities) and 410 employees.
         From the beginning until now, the Directorate structure gradually emerged new services and departments, as its concerns were amplified and diversified. In Child Protection area, important changes were made: the old placement centers with many children were closed, some centers were reorganized in family modules, alternative services were set up after the new model (family-type houses, family apartments, day care centers or rehabilitation centers for disabled children).
         In the field of disabled adults, the reform aimed the organization and modernization of the existing centers and established new services.
         D.G.A.S.P.C-Hunedoara’s goal it is to ensure at the county level the enforcement of legislation, politics and social assistance strategies in the field of Child Protection, family, single persons, elderly persons, disabled persons and any persons in need.
         In order to realize the duties prescribed by the law D.G.A.S.P.C Hunedoara has the following functions:
  • Of strategy, which provides social assistance strategy -the plan of social assistance settle for preventing and combating social exclusion and anti-poverty actions programs;
  • The coordination of the social assistance activities and child protection at the county level;
  • The management of funds at its disposal;
  • The collaboration with the decentralized public services of ministries and institutions that have responsibilities in social assistance, with social services and the civil society representatives who operate in this field;
  • Of execution by providing human resources, material and financial resources necessary to implement strategies of anti-poverty actions, preventing and combating social marginalization;
  • Of representation of the county council, internally and externally in fields as social assistance and child protection.
  • Promoting and respecting the superior interests of the child adult persons;
  • Respecting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities;
  • Universality, non-discriminations and equal opportunities;
  • Primacy of parents responsibility in their children education and care;
  • The insurance of transparency, participations and consultations;
  • The insurance of stability, continuity and complementarily;
  • The responsibility of the community and social solidarity;
  • Society adaptation to disabled persons;
  • Integrated approach, intersectorial and interdisciplinary intervention.